Monday, June 8, 2015

And the first cycle is over :-(

I am devastated. After getting so many good news- 32 eggs retreived, 24 fertilized, all 24 making it to day 5, and 12 frozen, yesterday's call was a punch in the stomach. I went in for my beta test yesterday morning, and it came back negative, 2.2. Before getting the call, I was feeling very optimistic so I was in shock. The worse part was that I was home alone since my husband was at a conference. As soon as I hung up the phone with the nurse, I called my husband, and just started crying like a baby. I must admit that I was surprised by my reaction. I did not think that I was going to take it that hard, but I did, and it hurts, a lot.  To say the least, I cried on and off for the rest of the day.  I was feeling sorry for myself, trying to guess what is wrong with me, but the truth is no one knows what's going on.
What does the future hold? I don't know. I just know that after 3 failed IUIs and 1 failed IVF cycle, I am not ready to give up on having my baby. After all, my husband and I still have 12 precious frozen embryos on which we are not going to give up. I will keep you updated. Until next time. Good luck to everyone.

Friday, June 5, 2015

And then, there were 12 :-)

The embryologist called and informed me that they were able to freeze 12 embryos! 12! That's amazing! My husband and I are ecstatic that we have 12 embryos to work with in the future. :-)
Side note, when I went in for my transfer, the doctor told me that I had the best day 3 results that she has ever seen. That made me feel very happy.

No more Gatorade, please!

So I have to say that you will start to feel better after your egg retreival. I was miserable for five days after mine. The added stress of potentially getting hyper stimulated was no help. I have to say that I cannot stand lemon Gatorade, or Gatorade for that matter. My RE has me drinking 8 12oz glasses of Gatorade a day, no water. I started drinking Gatorade two days before my egg retreival, but it was allow to drink water then. Now, my RE wants me to stay hydrated, and is concerned that drinking all that water for so long would only do harm. I was drinking  8 12oz glasses of water a day when I started my stimulation shots.  Luckily, I stumbled upon Nuun tablets four days after my egg retrieval. I was introduced to these by my brother-in-law, a runner, about three months when I was dehydrated, and thought I was going to pass out. I was at Whole Foods trying to find something appetizing to eat, and I saw the Nuun tablets. I asked my husband if I could take these and he said to take 1 tablet a day, and do Gatorade as well. The good thing, is that I do not have to drink the 8 glasses of Gatorade, the Nuun tablets hydrate me pretty well. These tablets have more electrolytes and less sugar (1g) so it's easier on my stomach. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, that I started feeling much better the day after I started taking the Nuun tablets. Now, I am not nauseous. I was super nauseous day 3 and 4 after my egg retreival, now I am starting to think that those symptoms are due to the Endometrin 3x a day).  I was able to two meals without feeling nauseous; it was a great day!