Thursday, April 23, 2015

Life after surgery

Hello!  It has been a while since I had written.  The last time I wrote, I told you about my first pregnancy and how I had to have surgery because they thought it was an ectopic pregnancy.  After surgery, they told my pregnancy was a "pregnancy of unknown location" or (PUL). After I had my surgery in January, I did not get my menses until March.  At this point, I was so happy that I had gotten my period without any meds (Remember, I stopped my pills at the end of May and did not get a period on my own until March. I was given progesterone in order to take Clomid.) So after March of 2014 I started getting my period regularly at first every 36 days and then every 32 days.  Since this was a good sign, I did not want to do anything (meaning no medications), just try naturally on our own especially since I was doing ovulation tests and I was ovulating on my own :-).  So we did just that until July.  In July, I went to my gynecologist and I was given Clomid (50mg), but nothing happened. Then I was given Clomid (100mg), but again nothing happened.  I then went to see a reproductive endocrinologist and they did tests on my husband and me.  After the reults came back, they were not of much help.  We were told that we fall under the "unexplained category of infertility" meaning that every test is normal, but they just don't know why. So again, no concrete answers. So now, I had a pregnancy of unknown location and I fall under the unexplained category of infertility.  At least I know that my tests and my husbands tests are normal for whatever they can test, now we just have to be patient and see what happens next.

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