Thursday, April 23, 2015

Impatiently Waiting: The Two Week Wait

My husband and I moved to a new city so we had to get a new doctor.  Luckily, we did not have to start the process again.  I contacted my previous reproductive endocrinologist and all my records were sent to my new doctor.  That was a relief since we did not have to do any of the preliminary blood work again.  Also, my last doctor had sent us for genetic testing and everything looks good, so it was a great that that information was sent as well. This new doctor recommended that we try Clomid (50mg) since I was ovulating with that dosage.  (I was ovulating on my own as well, but he gave me Clomid to control the timing of ovulation.) In addition to the Clomid, we would do IUI.  I must admit, that I was very nervous about doing the IUI the first time.  For those of you out there who are nervous about it, don't be.  It feels just like a papsmear and it is just as fast, and therefore, you do not need any pain medication.  The hardest part of the IUI, like any other method of trying to get pregnant is the two week wait. Now, that's hard!  You do not know what to do with yourself to occupy the time- seconds feel like hours, hours seem like days, and days are like years. If you have been there, you know exactly what I am talking about.  You tell yourself that you are not going to think about it- just act like it's just another day-, you tell yourself that googling is not going to make things better, and finally after all the self talk to calm yourself down to try to distract yourself for 14 days, you take a pregnancy test, way too early, but it helps the nerves nonetheless. 

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